Incense and Dhoops can be burned on charcoal. The easiest way of use is by choosing the quick igniting charcoal. It is simple to use, because they - once lit - self-ignite. But even here we should be sure that the coal gets enough air during the ignition.
Instant light charcoal tablets made from natural material. These high quality,charcoal tablets are essential for burning incense. Use a heat proof dish or incense burner to light the tablets.
Remove a tablet from the sealed roll and have a heat proof dish ready.
Light the edge of the tablet until it begins to sparkle. The sparkling will continue across the charcoal, otherwise use additional matches till it does. The tablets light best if they are held in the air with tongs or tweezers and held over a flame for some time when lighting.
Wait for the charcoal to ignite and warm up, you may fan the tablet a little to get it good and hot.
Place the charcoal in the heatproof dish, it will start to turn white, and will remain hot consistently for about one hour.
Sprinkle a small amount of ritual incense onto the charcoal at intervals, too much will either fill the room with smoke or swamp the charcoal. You can always add more if you need to.
Enjoy your ritual incense.
Ensure that the remaining ashes from the charcoal are completely extinguished and cold before discarding.